About the Webmistress of Glenn Frey Online

Meeting Glenn Frey - 2008

February 2008. I went to Pebble Beach for the third time and got to talk to Glenn Frey. As usual, we had a blast. This time, my friend took lots of photos as well (see the Pebble Beach 2008 page). We got them developed and he even autographed them the next day.

The best part, though, was how Glenn came over and chatted with us a few times. He remembers things we told him about ourselves. He makes a person feel like he cares about what he/she has to say. He is even able to put me, nervous and neurotic as I am, at ease. It only took three years! That's impressive!

He's so appreciative of true fans. He's also a real gentleman, down to the toes! He never ceases to amaze me with his kindness. I've said it before and I'll say it again: it's wonderful to know that someone whose work you respect so much is also worthy of respect for being a good man, plain and simple.

An aside: one time, an 70ish marshal who recognized us asked in a puzzled voice, "So you girls are here every day just because you're fans of Glenn Frey?" I tried to put it in terms he could get: "You gotta understand - he's our Elvis!" The guy laughed and said comprehendingly, "Oh, I see!" After he left I heard my friends mumbling, "Actually, there's no comparison, Elvis has NOTHING on Glenn Frey" "I'd rather listen to Glenn sing than Elvis any day" etc. I reassured everyone that I agreed and was only trying to be helpful to the older guy!

Additionally, Glenn thanked us for our fan letters.... so they DO get them, guys. Write away! But be sure to hand-write. It may be going out of style to hand-write letters, but that just makes it all the more special. (If you're like me and mess up a lot when handwriting, you might want to use smaller stationary. Less effort gets wasted when you botch a page near the bottom, ie, "Sincerly, - oh, crap!!")

And I was able to get a photo with him to post, finally!



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