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Meeting Glenn Frey - 2007

February 2007. I went to Pebble Beach for the second time and met Glenn Frey once again (see here for first meeting). My friend and I had such a good time last year that we decided to come back for more, with a third friend joining us.

Once again, he was very sweet to his fans. He remembered us from last year and came over to talk to us more than once, as well as the other returning fans who were also there. He gave us picks and was happy to sign autographs. I was much less dweeby in 2007, I am happy to say. I was even able to carry on conversations when he said hello, although when you have a mouth as big as mine, sometimes silence is golden. I wound up confessing to buying one of his old yearbooks off of Ebay, for Heaven's sake. Thankfully, he didn't hold it against me. He has a way of making his fans feel very special that goes above and beyond the obligatory "fan-friendly" behavior that for many stars is the result of a sense of duty. He interacts with his fans in a very non-condescending, "regular guy" way - well, more like in a very "regular-guy-who-is-also-uber-cool" way.

Even when Glenn's team wasn't doing the best, he made time for his fans. At one point, he waxed philosophical about it, saying it didn't matter how over par he was when he had survived two colon surgeries, had a great wife and kids, etc. etc. Kind of puts it all into perspective.

I was able to get a photo with him; however, it turned out too blurry to be posted, I'm afraid. Oh well - the quest for the photo can be an excuse to go again!


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