South of Sunset: Dream Girl Screen Captures
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At Cody's place

Sleeping late after a party.

"Make it good."

"Oh, hello Ma!"

Hustling out of bed.

Throwing on clothes.

"I never should have let you get that motor home."

"You want me to take a case for a friend?"

"Is this one of your friends from the world of mobile living?"

"Hey Merlin, got any milk?"

"Yeah, it was a nice party."

"Thanks for leaving."

Walking to the neighbor's.

"Hold on for a sec, Ma."

"Deacon, you have any milk?"

Oh - that's not Deacon - that's a hot neighbor!

"The party's still goin' on - we're playing quieter music!"

"Oh, it was nothing, Ma."

"I think it was a dream."

Going back in the house.

At the office, with the "Prince of Porcelain"

"You want us to find a dream girl?"

"That's crazy... no offense."

"I can't take this man's money."

"Five thousand dollars?"


"Thanks for the lollipop."

"OK, I'll take the case."

Gina: "Your mother would be proud."

The next day, outside of Cody's place
Getting started on the case.

Waylaid by Rosie the fortune teller.

"But I have this sketch artist lined up..."

"She's a con artist."

"No offense."


"Are you the fool? No comment."

Looking askance at Lou.

Looking askance at Rosie.

Laughing in disbelief.

Man, these guys are lame.

Gina gives the news about her new role in the Caribbean

NOT happy.

"You don't know anything about this movie company."

"You're dating an actor?!"

"Weren't you the one who said all actors are vain users?"

Unconvinced of the company's legitimacy.

Still suspicious.

"You don't know what the actor has done either?"

Gina: "You are ruining my moment."

"I'm really happy for you."


"Ziggy, tell me about this actor."

"Should we tail her?"

"What the hell."

"Keep an eye on her."

"Borrow my car? Forget it."

"Rent something cheap."

Fixing up his bike while Merlin digs for info

Hard at work.

"I've been working on this since birth."

"Find any info, Merlin?"

"Is the company legit?"

"Wow, you can find out so much using computers!"

"There's a recession - so what if the company's in Chapter 7?"

"What about the actor?"

Clocked with Ziggy's pen/mic by Gina.

"I'll be straight with you, Gina."

"Too many things about your little movie just don't add up."

"We'll keep digging."

"I know I promised not to - just do what I say, Ziggy."

The "Dream Girl" investigation continues
At the sketch artist's.

At one of many modeling agencies.

Dragging Ziggy away from models and starlets.

"It's a lost cause, Leo. Go find someone real."

Gina's going away party

"I wah, wah, wah, wah, wonder..."

Having fun.

Looking for Gina.

Saying goodbye to her outside.

"You already took my name out of your Rolodex."

Light moment.

"Break a leg."

"I'll miss you."

"Your actor is real enough for this town."

A kiss goodbye.

Final farewells.

To sexy girl: "No, she's not my girlfriend! Really!"

"What have you found out, Ziggy?"

"His wife looks just like Gina."

Later that night

Lou is drunk.

"Wake up, Lou."

Lou: "I can't substitute someone for my Dream Girl."

"Substitute another girl..."

"Merlin, find out if that actor took out a life insurance policy on his wife."

At the actor's place

"He took out a policy for $2 million?"

"We gotta find Gina."

"Lady, we know everything."

"Where's Gina?!"


At the hospital where Gina is

"Where's ICU?"

Desperately seeking Gina.

"Doctor, what have you done to her?!"

Anxiously waiting to see if the antidote worked.

No heart rate.

No breathing.

She's revived! Massive relief.

That night, back at Cody's

Resting on the couch.

The Dream Girl is on an infomercial!

Telling Leo about his dream girl

"We found her!"

"Don't you want to look at the tape?"

"Oh, you're with Rosie now!"

He found himself a real girl.

Gina's back at the office

"Welcome back."

"Is that delivery boy an actor?"

"Come in here again and I'll shoot you."

Yay, he's gone!

"If my mom calls, I'm not here."


Solo Filmography :: South of Sunset :: Dream Girl